Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Loan Application [SAMPLE ONLY]

Application Type

Application Type : Joint Application
Loan Type : Personal
Loan Amount : $10,000
Loan Purpose : Restructuring of Financial Arrangements

Individual Details
Title : Mr
Surname : Browne
First Names : Tony
Date of Birth : 1 Sept 1977
IRD Number : 52-345-678
Permanent NZ Resident : Yes
Resident Address : 1 Cottage Av Mt Bungalow Auckland
Postal Address :
Time at Current Address : 4 years 2 months
Living Situation : Renting
Previous Address :
Time at Previous Address :
Home Phone : 09 5556789
Business Phone : 09 5559999
Mobile Phone : 021 999999
Fax :
Email :
Number of Dependents : 2
Ages of Dependents : 3, 5
Name and Address of Employer : Em And M Builders 1 Building Grove Hamilton
Current Occupation : Builder
Nature of Occupation : Full time
Time in Current Occupation : 3 years 6 months
Name and Address of Previous Employer :
Years in Previous Occupation :
Name of Main Bank : The National Bank
NBNZ Customer Number : 9876543210
Years at Main Bank : 3 years
Number of Credit Cards : 2

Joint Applicant Details
Title : Mrs
Surname : Browne
First Names : Jane
Date of Birth : 26 Aug 1977
IRD Number : 52-678-345
Permanent NZ Resident : Yes
Resident Address : 1 Cottage Av Mt Bungalow Auckland
Postal Address :
Time at Current Address : 4 years 2 months
Living Situation : Renting
Previous Address :
Time at Previous Address :
Home Phone : 09 5556789
Business Phone : 09 5559999
Mobile Phone : 021 999999
Fax :
Email :
Number of Dependents : 2
Ages of Dependents : 3, 5
Name and Address of Employer : Em And M Builders 1 Building Grove Hamilton
Current Occupation : Secretary
Nature of Occupation : Part time
Time in Current Occupation : 3 years 6 months
Name and Address of Previous Employer :
Time In Previous Occupation :
Name of Main Bank : The National Bank
NBNZ Customer Number : 0123456789
Time at Main Bank : 4 years
Number of Credit Cards : 1

Liabilities Details
Limit Amount Owing

National Bank Overdraft : $2,000.00 $1,000.00

Other Bank Overdraft : $3,000.00 $1,500.00

Credit Cards :
Visa $2,000.00 $1,000.00

Store Cards :
Mitre 10 $1,000.00 $500.00

Hire Purchases :
Ute 2/11/2007 $4,000.00

National Bank Loans :
$5,000.00 $1,000.00

Other Liabilities : $0.00 $0.00

Other Bank Loans : Limit Owing Term Rate Maturity

$1,000.00 $500.00 3 17 2/2/2007

Total Liabilities : $9,500.00

Assets Details

National Bank Deposits : $2,000.00

Other Bank Deposits :

Vehicles :

Ute $17,000.00

Real Estate :

Furniture And Effects : $10,000.00

Superannuation : $0.00

Life Cover : $0.00 $0.00

Shares : $0.00

Investments : $0.00

Other : Building Tools $6,000.00

Total Assets : $29,000.00

Monthly Budget Details
Proposed NBNZ Loan Repayments : $245.04
Existing NBNZ Loan Repayments : $0.00
Other Loan Repayments : $0.00
Student Loan Repayments : $0.00
Credit/Store Card/Hire Purchase repayments : $0.00
Rent : $2,000.00
Food : $433.33
Electricity and Gas : $150.00
Household : $300.00
Clothing : $50.00
Motor Vehicle : $150.00
Insurance : $25.00
Superannuation Payments : $0.00
Child Care/Child Support/School Fees : $21.67
Regular Savings : $150.00
Applicant 1 Applicant 2

Gross Annual Income : $50,000.00 $25,000.00

Paid : Monthly Monthly

Direct Credited Salaries : Yes Yes

Applicant One
Salary/Wages after tax : $38,630.00
Regular Overtime : $0.00
Regular Commission : $0.00
Net Rental Income : $0.00
Interest and Dividends : $12.00
Other Income : $1,083.33
Applicant Two
Salary/Wages after tax : $20,125.00
Regular Overtime : $0.00
Regular Commission : $0.00
Net Rental Income : $0.00
Interest and Dividends : $0.00
Other Income : $0.00

Other Comments
Comments : Please contact me between the hours of 9am - 5pm on my cell. Thanks

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