Thursday, April 23, 2009

Financing College with Student Loans

If you know you need a student loan to finance college, but you're unsure of where to start, Student Finance Domain can help. There are so many different types of college loans and student loan repayment programs to choose from, giving you a number of options. It's important that you know the difference between the various loan types to ensure that you get the loans most appropriate for you. First you'll need to assess your needs and identify your resources, including financial aid options and of course savings. From there the student loan comparison process will be a snap. And you'll be living the dorm life in no time flat.

Student Loan Comparison
Staffords, Perkins, PLUSes, private vs. alternative, select the right student loan(s) for your situation
Private Student Loans
Afford the college experience you deserve. How to finance your education with private loans.
Loan Consolidation
Keep your student debt in check with a consolidation loan
So how do you start? Well you need to figure out what kind of student loan solution you'll need. Are you a graduating high school senior looking for your first undergraduate loan to finance a freshman year's worth of tuition, room and board, living expenses and books? Do you know the importance of a cosigner? Have you compared student loans to understand the difference between federal and private loans, or subsidized vs. unsubsidized stafford loans, and what your options are with both? Are you a seasoned student looking for a graduate school loan, law school loan, career training loan, or business school loan to further your education? Do you know the benefits of a Federal PLUS Loan? Do you want to apply for a medical school loan or a nursing school loan to save the lives of others? And if so do you want to know about the loan consolidation options you have? Everything you need to know about student loans can be found here:

Student Loan Comparison
There are many different school loan types to choose from. But what the heck is the real difference between them all? Do you qualify for a federally subsidized Stafford loan? What does the PLUS loan really mean for your parents? How can alternative/private loans help to finance your college career? Student Finance Domain allows you to compare and contrast student loan options in one place.

Get More Information about Comparing Student Loans >>


Undergraduate Loans
Undergraduate students have many college loan options to finance their college careers. Loan types range from those available to students themselves, as well as those available to their parents. There are private and alternative loans, as well as federal loans to help you. Any of these loans or a combination of all could be the answer for you.

Get More Information about Undergraduate Loans >>


Graduate and Continuing Education Loans
Graduate Education loans are available to those students who choose to continue their studies in a graduate degree program. This can include business school, law school, medical school, and more. Additionally Continuing Education school loans are available for students who take continuing education course work that may or may not be tied to a degree program.

Get More Information about Graduate and Continuing Education Loans >>


Student Loan Repayment Options
It might be easy to apply for a student loan, but paying it back after you graduate can be difficult. There are some circumstances in which you might not have the funds to start paying back the loans every month, so luckily for you there are various repayment options that you can take advantage of. Every repayment plan is different, so choose the one that suits your current financial situation.

Get More Information about Student Loan Repayment Options >>


Loan Consolidation
For those students and parents who have taken out more than one college loan, loan consolidation can provide financial relief. Loan consolidation allows you to stretch your payoff period, thus lowering you monthly payments. It also makes the loan repayment process more manageable by combining multiple loans into one loan. A consolidation loan can save you money, time and stress

Student Car Loans Can Get You Behind the Wheel

The process of buying a car has become much easier for students than it used to be. While you can still search the classifieds to find the perfect clunker, you also have many student car loan options at your fingertips. These car loans for college students help to make used cars, certified used cars and brand new cars more accessible. And Student Finance Domain has highlighted the basics that could save you money and time.

Over the past decade car loans for college students have become much more prevalent and readily available. Some student car loans are available directly from car manufacturers and car dealers and offer cash rebates, low interest rates and generous payback terms. In addition many banks and online lenders are willing to finance car loans for college students and provide them with a check that can be used towards the purchase a vehicle from a dealer or a private seller.

Before you look for the best student car loan options, you should make a short list of the vehicles you'd consider. If you choose a larger vehicle like an SUV, you may end up spending a big chunk of your student budget at the pump. If you choose a sportier vehicle, you may have to pay extra for auto insurance premiums and repairs. As a student you should be looking for the most reliable vehicle you can find. So use reference magazines and online car research sites to get information on the most reliable vehicles.

Secondly you should decide whether to buy a new or used vehicle. It's no secret that the value of any new vehicle depreciates significantly the instant you drive it off the dealer's lot. So it might make a lot of sense for a student to buy a used car. A dealer or manufacturer certified pre-owned vehicle can save you thousands over a new vehicle and can be just as reliable. And buying used might enable you to get more car for your money.

Another option to explore when considering used vehicles is the private sale. Whether you find a car from the classifieds or through a friend, a student car loan from a bank or online lender will help you pay for it. The process is relatively easy. First you should get pre-approved for a certain loan amount. Then you must negotiate and finalize the cost of the car with the seller and have your lender cut the check in that specific amount. But before you do you should protect yourself by checking the car's history. Get the car's vehicle identification number (VIN) and use it to research its full service history online. You may find that the car that looks perfect on the outside has had flood damage that you couldn't see the naked eye.

Once you determine which car models and years interest you, you can check your student insurance options out with a few different auto insurance companies. After that you'll be ready to research your loan options or get car finance for bad credit. Although car loans for students can come in any number of combinations, there are some basic things you can look for to save you money:

Dealer or manufacturer backed rebates and cash back bonuses
No down payment, or flexible down payments
Deferred payments from one month to one year
Complimentary roadside assistance
Zero percent financing or low interest rates
Purchasing a car is a process that can be simple or long and arduous. You'll be much better prepared if you use the tips outlined in Student Finance Domain before you start searching for a car or an auto loan. Also, to avoid insurance scams, thoroughly research your insurance company and make sure that it has positive customer reviews.

Best Student Car Loan

"8 out of 10 students get a better loan than they would from their parents credit union"
I get at least 2 emails a week from parents asking me which car loan service I recommend for students or young drivers.

There are tons of quote services out there, but they usually just resell your information to a local bank or dealership, which is not all bad, but you are not getting the lowest rates.

So what can a student do? Get a great rate quote from 1-800-AUTO-YES

The rate quote is free, and there are NO obligation to buy or do try it.

Super fast
Students welcome
Credit situation not a problem
No obligations
Super low rates

Austin C. Davis
The Honest Mechanic

Student Car Loan

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Loan Application [SAMPLE ONLY]

Application Type

Application Type : Joint Application
Loan Type : Personal
Loan Amount : $10,000
Loan Purpose : Restructuring of Financial Arrangements

Individual Details
Title : Mr
Surname : Browne
First Names : Tony
Date of Birth : 1 Sept 1977
IRD Number : 52-345-678
Permanent NZ Resident : Yes
Resident Address : 1 Cottage Av Mt Bungalow Auckland
Postal Address :
Time at Current Address : 4 years 2 months
Living Situation : Renting
Previous Address :
Time at Previous Address :
Home Phone : 09 5556789
Business Phone : 09 5559999
Mobile Phone : 021 999999
Fax :
Email :
Number of Dependents : 2
Ages of Dependents : 3, 5
Name and Address of Employer : Em And M Builders 1 Building Grove Hamilton
Current Occupation : Builder
Nature of Occupation : Full time
Time in Current Occupation : 3 years 6 months
Name and Address of Previous Employer :
Years in Previous Occupation :
Name of Main Bank : The National Bank
NBNZ Customer Number : 9876543210
Years at Main Bank : 3 years
Number of Credit Cards : 2

Joint Applicant Details
Title : Mrs
Surname : Browne
First Names : Jane
Date of Birth : 26 Aug 1977
IRD Number : 52-678-345
Permanent NZ Resident : Yes
Resident Address : 1 Cottage Av Mt Bungalow Auckland
Postal Address :
Time at Current Address : 4 years 2 months
Living Situation : Renting
Previous Address :
Time at Previous Address :
Home Phone : 09 5556789
Business Phone : 09 5559999
Mobile Phone : 021 999999
Fax :
Email :
Number of Dependents : 2
Ages of Dependents : 3, 5
Name and Address of Employer : Em And M Builders 1 Building Grove Hamilton
Current Occupation : Secretary
Nature of Occupation : Part time
Time in Current Occupation : 3 years 6 months
Name and Address of Previous Employer :
Time In Previous Occupation :
Name of Main Bank : The National Bank
NBNZ Customer Number : 0123456789
Time at Main Bank : 4 years
Number of Credit Cards : 1

Liabilities Details
Limit Amount Owing

National Bank Overdraft : $2,000.00 $1,000.00

Other Bank Overdraft : $3,000.00 $1,500.00

Credit Cards :
Visa $2,000.00 $1,000.00

Store Cards :
Mitre 10 $1,000.00 $500.00

Hire Purchases :
Ute 2/11/2007 $4,000.00

National Bank Loans :
$5,000.00 $1,000.00

Other Liabilities : $0.00 $0.00

Other Bank Loans : Limit Owing Term Rate Maturity

$1,000.00 $500.00 3 17 2/2/2007

Total Liabilities : $9,500.00

Assets Details

National Bank Deposits : $2,000.00

Other Bank Deposits :

Vehicles :

Ute $17,000.00

Real Estate :

Furniture And Effects : $10,000.00

Superannuation : $0.00

Life Cover : $0.00 $0.00

Shares : $0.00

Investments : $0.00

Other : Building Tools $6,000.00

Total Assets : $29,000.00

Monthly Budget Details
Proposed NBNZ Loan Repayments : $245.04
Existing NBNZ Loan Repayments : $0.00
Other Loan Repayments : $0.00
Student Loan Repayments : $0.00
Credit/Store Card/Hire Purchase repayments : $0.00
Rent : $2,000.00
Food : $433.33
Electricity and Gas : $150.00
Household : $300.00
Clothing : $50.00
Motor Vehicle : $150.00
Insurance : $25.00
Superannuation Payments : $0.00
Child Care/Child Support/School Fees : $21.67
Regular Savings : $150.00
Applicant 1 Applicant 2

Gross Annual Income : $50,000.00 $25,000.00

Paid : Monthly Monthly

Direct Credited Salaries : Yes Yes

Applicant One
Salary/Wages after tax : $38,630.00
Regular Overtime : $0.00
Regular Commission : $0.00
Net Rental Income : $0.00
Interest and Dividends : $12.00
Other Income : $1,083.33
Applicant Two
Salary/Wages after tax : $20,125.00
Regular Overtime : $0.00
Regular Commission : $0.00
Net Rental Income : $0.00
Interest and Dividends : $0.00
Other Income : $0.00

Other Comments
Comments : Please contact me between the hours of 9am - 5pm on my cell. Thanks

Sample: Loan Application

This application sample demonstrates how to build an integrated loan application accessible through a web interface. Consider a scenario where a person, let's call him John, wishes to take out a loan from a bank in order to purchase a new car. John goes online to the bank's web site and he enters several pieces of information, including his name, contact details, and his desired loan amount. That request is then sent to the bank, and is later followed by a reply from the bank indicating whether John's loan request was approved (in which case he will purchase the car) or rejected. This application sample will explain how you will use Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts to solve this type of scenario.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

College student loans

Higher education has now taken a very important place no matter which field of work you wish to go in. also, there has been a rise in the cost of education in UK over the years which has made it unreachable for some part of the population. Students Loan now offers college student loans which you can borrow and pave a way for higher study.

With college student loans so easily available for you, it has now become trivial to pay for the numerous costs that are incurred at the time of admission. Various expenses are to be dealt with which include college tuition fees, hostel fees, laboratory and examination fees, stationary, books, computer, etc. All these expenses can now be easily borne with the loan available at Students Loan.

Very low interest rates are charged for the college student loans available with us at Students Loan. Also, you are not even required to pledge any collateral for getting the loan amount. The repayment of the loan is also not a burden since it has to start only after the course of study is complete and regular employment is obtained. Now, you can obtain money for your higher education no matter where you study in the UK.

By applying to Students Loan by filling up a simple online for, you open yourself to a plethora of opportunities to obtain the best deal which suits your pocket and fulfills your needs of money for education.

Student Loans Online

With rising cost of education, it has become really difficult for students to get in to a course of their choice. There are many students, whose dreams got shattered due to lack of money. Students Loan brings you a simple way to handle your precious future with due care. Our whole purpose of offering student loans online is to make financial assistance accessible for the meritorious students. So, the students can opt for a profession of their choice......

The student loans online are offered at low interest rates. We, at Students Loan have provisions to cover more than one expense including course fee, books, computer charges, examination fees and many more. Start today by filling our online application form below and we will contact you shortly. Move towards a bright career with Students Loan.